Industrial spaces for rent in Timisoara Airport Park

  • Name: Timisoara Airport Park 
  • Property description: Timisoara airport Park is located in the Northern area of Timisoara city, in Giarmata village, at 2.0 km
    distance towards the crossroads of Timisoara ring road with the county road DJ691, close by the
    International Airport Timisoara and A1 motorway Bucharest-Arad. 
  • Technical specifications: - A Class building
    - industrial flooring with 70 kN/sq m loading capacity
    - heating and ventilation intelligent systems, smoke hatches and skylights
    - energy efficient design
    - 10.5 m clear height
    - ESFR K17 sprinklers 
  • Displayed address: DJ691, Giarmata 
  • Map location: Timisoara Airport Park 
  • Region: Vest 
  • City: Timisoara 
  • Availability: 2.000 mp - 24.000 mp 

Sunteti interesat in a obtine planurile spatiilor industriale sau o cotatie de pret?
Are you interested in obtaining plans for industrial spaces or a price quote?

Gabriel Sfetcu
+40 744 308 567